# Copyright (C) Frank Zaverl, Jr.
# See file LICENSE for license information.
Module containing functions to create Matplotlib color maps.
# Not much going on here but these functions simplify constructing
# colormaps during development. Most custom colormaps can be made
# with just one or two lines of code which are easier to comprehend.
# Got tired of remembering which library modules and what methods ;-)
import string
import random
import copy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import colors # update for v_1.2.0
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap, LinearSegmentedColormap
[docs]def rgb_cmap_gradient(lowColor='k', highColor='w', name=None, mirrored=False) :
A linear-in-RGB-space Colormap.
locColor : color, optional, default: 'black'
Color at the low end of the Colormap range.
highColor : color, optional, default: 'white'
Color at the high end of the Colormap range.
name : str, optional
The registered name to identify the colormap.
If it's None, the name will be a string of 8 random
mirrored : bool
If True, colormap is divided into two linear
segments with the lowColor at the low and high
values, the highColr in the middle.
An instance of a colormap.
if not isinstance(mirrored, bool ) :
raise ValueError('Invalid mirrored argument (bool required): ' + str(name))
call_name = name
if name is None :
call_name = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase , k = 8))
else :
if not isinstance(name, str ):
raise ValueError('Invalid name argument (str required): ' + str(name))
if not colors.is_color_like(lowColor) :
raise ValueError('Invalid negColor argument: ' + str(lowColor))
if not colors.is_color_like(highColor) :
raise ValueError('Invalid posColor argument: ' + str(highColor))
clist = [lowColor,highColor]
if mirrored : clist = [lowColor,highColor,lowColor]
cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(call_name, clist )
if name is not None :
mpl.colormaps.register(cmap,name=name) # update for v_1.2.0
return cmap
def _smoothHue(lowHue,hiHue,eps,numbSegs) :
# return an array (lenght of numbSegs) of 'smoothed' hue values from low to high
def _transformHue(x,eps) :
# ....................................
def sgm( x, c) :
xref= x - c
p = 6*xref - 1
t1 = np.power(np.abs(p),eps)
t2 = np.sign(p)
d = (1+t1*t2)/2
val = c + d/3
return val
# ....................................
y = sgm(x,0.0)
third, twothirds = 1/3, 2/3
y = np.where( x >third , sgm(x,third), y )
y = np.where( x >twothirds , sgm(x,twothirds), y )
return y
xstart = _transformHue(np.mod(lowHue,1) ,1/eps) #... inverse function
xend = _transformHue(np.mod(hiHue,1),1/eps) #... inverse function
xstart = xstart if lowHue<1.0 else (xstart+1)
xend = xend if hiHue<1.0 else (xend+1)
y = np.linspace(xstart, xend, numbSegs)
y = np.mod(y,1)
return _transformHue(y,eps)
[docs]def hsv_cmap_gradient(lowHSV=[0,1,1], hiHSV=[1,1,1], name=None, mirrored=False, smooth=None) :
A linear-in-HSV-space Colormap.
Using hSV or hSVA values for HSV color. SVA values are in the range [0,1].
The h values are in the range [0,2] so that Hue is mod(h,1).
lowHSV : 3 or 4 array or string, optional, default: [0,1,1], , 'red'
HSV, HSVA color at the low end of the Colormap range. If a string,
a named color (may be proceeded by a '+')
hiHSV : 3 or 4 array or string, optional, default: [1,1,1] , '+red'
HSV, HSVA color at the high end of the Colormap range. If a string,
a named color (may be proceeded by a '+')
name : str, optional, default: None
The registered name to identify the colormap.
If it's None, name is assigned a string of 8 random characters.
mirrored : bool
If True, colormap is divided into two linear
segments with the lowHSV at the low and high
values, the highColr in the middle.
smooth: float, optional, default: None
Controls the ratio of the amount of CMY to RGB color.
CMY is extended relative to the RGB hues for values
greater than one (relative to standard HSV colormap).
RGB is extended relative to the CMY hues for values
less than one. Range is [.1,10]
An instance of a colormap.
# ............................................................
def stringToHSV(sVal) :
addOne = False
if sVal[0] == '+':
addOne = True
sVal = sVal[1:]
h,s,v = colors.rgb_to_hsv(colors.to_rgb(sVal))
if addOne : h += 1
return [h,s,v]
# ............................................................
if not isinstance(mirrored, bool ) :
raise ValueError('Invalid mirrored argument (boolean required): ' + str(name))
if name is not None :
if not isinstance(name, str ):
raise ValueError('Invalid name argument (str required): ' + str(name))
if isinstance(lowHSV, str ): lowHSV= stringToHSV(lowHSV)
if isinstance(hiHSV, str ): hiHSV= stringToHSV(hiHSV)
if not isinstance(lowHSV,(list, tuple, np.ndarray)) :
raise ValueError('Invalid lowHSV argument: ' + str(lowHSV))
if not isinstance(hiHSV,(list, tuple, np.ndarray)) :
raise ValueError('Invalid highHSVarg argument: ' + str(hiHSV))
lowColor, highColor = list(lowHSV), list(hiHSV)
if len(lowColor) == 3 : lowColor.append(1.0)
if len(highColor) == 3 : highColor.append(1.0)
if len(lowColor) != 4 or len(highColor) != 4 :
raise ValueError('Invalid HSVarg argument list length ')
numbSegs = 256
delta = np.subtract(highColor,lowColor)
x = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,num=numbSegs)
if smooth is not None :
hH = _smoothHue(lowColor[0],highColor[0],smooth,numbSegs)
clist = []
for i in range( len(x)):
n = x[i]
h,s,v,a = np.add(lowColor, np.multiply(delta,n) )
if smooth is None :
h = np.mod(h, 1)
else: h = hH[i]
r,g,b = colors.hsv_to_rgb([h,s,v]) # update for v_1.2.0
cmap = ListedColormap(clist)
if mirrored :
cmap = mirrored_cmap( cmap, name=name )
return cmap # already registered
if name is None :
name = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase , k = 8))
mpl.colormaps.register(cmap,name=name) # update for v_1.2.0
cmap.name = name
return cmap
[docs]def binary_cmap(negColor='b', posColor='r', name=None, bndry=None ) :
A two-color Colormap.
negColor : color, optional, default: 'blue'
Color at the low end of the Colormap range.
posColor : color, optional, default: 'red'
Color at the high end of the Colormap range.
name : str, optional, default: None
The registered name to identify the colormap.
If it's None, name is assigned a string of 8 random characters.
bndry : float, optional, default: 0.5
The division between the negColor and posColor,
with range from 0.03 to 0.97
An instance of a colormap.
if name is not None :
if not isinstance(name, str ):
raise ValueError('Invalid name argument (str required): ' + str(name))
if not colors.is_color_like(negColor) :
raise ValueError('Invalid negColor argument: ' + str(negColor))
if not colors.is_color_like(posColor) :
raise ValueError('Invalid posColor argument: ' + str(posColor))
if bndry is None :
cmap = ListedColormap([negColor,posColor])
else :
if (bndry<0.03 or bndry>0.97) :
raise ValueError('Invalid bndry argument, found {}'.format(bndry))
colorArr = np.array([colors.to_rgba(posColor)]*256)
division = int(bndry*256)
colorArr[:division, :] = np.array(colors.to_rgba(negColor))
cmap = ListedColormap(colorArr)
if name is None :
name = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase , k = 8))
mpl.colormaps.register(cmap,name=name) # update for v_1.2.0
cmap.name = name
return cmap
[docs]def hue_cmap(lowHue=0, hiHue=None, smooth=1.6, name=None ) :
A 'smooth-HSV' colormap.
Non linear adjustment of Hue in a HSV colormap.
For the HSV colors, S and V are 1.
The h values are shifted based on the smoothing parameter.
lowHue : float or string, optional, default: 0
Hue at the low end of the Colormap range.
Values are in the range [0,2].
If a string, the hue of a named color (may be
proceeded by a '+')
hiHue : float or string, optional, default: 1
Hue at the upper end of the Colormap range.
Values are in the range [0,2].
If a string, the hue of a named color (may be
proceeded by a '+')
smooth: float, optional, default: 1.6
Controls the ratio of the amount of CMY to RGB color.
CMY is extended relative to the RGB hues for values
greater than one (relative to standard HSV colormap).
RGB is extended relative to the CMY hues for values
less than one. Range is [.1,10]
name : str, optional, default: None
The registered name to identify the colormap.
If it's None, name is assigned a string of 8 random characters.
An instance of a colormap.
# ............................................................
def stringToHue(sVal) :
addOne = False
if sVal[0] == '+':
addOne = True
sVal = sVal[1:]
h,_,_ = colors.rgb_to_hsv(colors.to_rgb(sVal))
if addOne : h += 1
return h
# ............................................................
if (smooth<0.1 or smooth>10) :
raise ValueError('smooth must be between 0.1 and 10. , found {}'.format(smooth))
if isinstance(lowHue, str ): lowHue= stringToHue(lowHue)
if hiHue is None:
hiHue = lowHue+1
if isinstance(hiHue, str ): hiHue= stringToHue(hiHue)
rng = 0.001
oneLow,oneHi = 1.0-rng , 1.0+rng
isOne = smooth>oneLow and smooth<oneHi
if isOne :
delta = np.subtract(hiHue,lowHue)
x = np.linspace(0, 1, 256)
h = np.add(lowHue, np.multiply(delta,x) )
h = np.mod(h,1)
else :
h = _smoothHue(lowHue,hiHue,smooth,256)
one = np.ones(len(h))
hsv = np.transpose([h,one,one])
#rgb = cm.mpl.colors.hsv_to_rgb(hsv)
rgb = colors.hsv_to_rgb(hsv) # update for v_1.2.0
cmap = colors.ListedColormap(rgb)
if name is None :
name = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase , k = 8))
mpl.colormaps.register(cmap,name=name) # update for v_1.2.0
cmap.name = name
return cmap
[docs]def stitch_cmap( *maps, bndry=None, name=None) :
Colormap composed of multiple colormaps.
maps : str or Colormap, optional
A Colormap instance or registered colormap name
bndry : scalar or list, default: None
Boundary between colormaps. If a list,
the number of values must be one less than
the number of maps. The list values must
be in assending order. If None, input colormaps
are evenly spaced in the returned colormap.
The bndry values are in the range 0+ to 1-.
name : str, optional
The registered name to identify the colormap.
If it's None, the name will be assigned a string of 8 random
An instance of a colormap.
numbMaps = len(maps)
if numbMaps == 1 :
raise ValueError('Only one cmap entered, need two or greater')
if bndry is None :
bndry = [ i/numbMaps for i in range(1,numbMaps) ]
else :
# allow single bndry to be input as a float
if isinstance(bndry, float) : bndry = [bndry]
numbBndry = len(bndry)
if numbBndry != (numbMaps-1) :
strgMsg = 'Number of boundaries, {}, is NOT equal to one less that the number of maps, {}. '
raise ValueError(strgMsg.format(numbBndry,numbMaps))
cmapList = []
for cmap in maps :
if isinstance(cmap,str) : cmap = mpl.colormaps[cmap] # update for v_1.2.0
N = 256
Nbndry = np.subtract(np.multiply(bndry,N),1)
mapIndex, colorIndexStart = 0, 0
clist = []
for i in range(N) :
if i > Nbndry[mapIndex] :
mapIndex += 1
colorIndexStart = i
d = 1/(Nbndry[mapIndex]-colorIndexStart)
index = d*(i-colorIndexStart)
clist.append( cmapList[mapIndex](index) )
cmap = ListedColormap(clist)
if name is None :
name = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase , k = 8))
mpl.colormaps.register(cmap,name=name) # update for v_1.2.0
cmap.name = name
return cmap
[docs]def stitch_color(*colorArr, bndry=None, name=None ) :
Colormap composed of multiple colors.
*colorArr : colors
bndry : scalar or list, default: None
Boundary between colors. If a list,
the number of values must be one less than
the number of maps. The list values must
be in assending order. If None, input colors
are evenly spaced in the returned colormap.
The bndry values are in the range 0+ to 1-.
name : str, optional
The registered name to identify the colormap.
If it's None, the name will assigned be a string of 8 random
An instance of a colormap.
numbColors = len(colorArr)
if numbColors == 1 :
raise ValueError('Only one cmap entered, need two or greater')
if bndry is None :
bndry = [ i/numbColors for i in range(1,numbColors) ]
else :
# allow single bndry to be input as a float
if isinstance(bndry, float) : bndry = [bndry]
numbBndry = len(bndry)
if numbBndry != (numbColors-1) :
strgMsg = 'Number of boundaries, {}, is NOT equal to one less that the number of maps, {}. '
raise ValueError(strgMsg.format(numbBndry,numbColors))
RGBAvals = [ colors.to_rgba(c) for c in colorArr ]
RGBAvals = np.array(RGBAvals)
bIndx = [ int(N*b) for b in bndry ]
RGBA = np.tile(RGBAvals[0],(N,1))
for i,bI in enumerate(bIndx) : RGBA[bI:] = RGBAvals[i+1]
cmap = ListedColormap(RGBA)
if name is None :
name = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase , k = 8))
mpl.colormaps.register(cmap,name=name) # update for v_1.2.0
cmap.name = name
return cmap
[docs]def alpha_cmap( cmap, alpha, constant=False, name=None ) :
Set the Colormap alpha channel.
cmap : str or Colormap, optional
A Colormap instance or registered colormap name
alpha : scalar
Value set for the color alpha channel.
The alpha values are in the range 0+ to 1-.
constant : bool { True, False }, optional, False
If False, alpha channel values are multiplied by
alpha. If True, all alpha channels
are assigned to a constant alpha.
name : str, optional
The registered name to identify the colormap.
If it's None, the name assigned the colormap name
with '_a' at the end characters.
An instance of a colormap.
if alpha<0.0 or alpha>1.0 :
raise ValueError('alpha must be between 0 and 1, found {}'.format(alpha))
if isinstance(cmap,str) :
cmap = mpl.colormaps[cmap] # update for v_1.2.0
if name is None :
name = cmap.name + '_a'
if isinstance(cmap,LinearSegmentedColormap) :
# LinearSegmentedColormap ...
cdict = copy.copy(cmap._segmentdata)
cdict['alpha'] = [ (0.0, alpha,alpha),(1.0, alpha,alpha) ]
newCmap = LinearSegmentedColormap(name,cdict)
mpl.colormaps.register(newCmap,name=name) # update for v_1.2.0
else :
# ListedColormap ............
colorArr = copy.copy(cmap.colors)
if not constant :
colorArr = np.array(colorArr)
if colorArr.shape[1] == 4 : alpha = alpha*colorArr[:,3]
colorArr = np.insert(colorArr,3,alpha,axis=1)[:,:4]
newCmap = ListedColormap(colorArr,name)
mpl.colormaps.register(newCmap,name=name) # update for v_1.2.0
return newCmap
[docs]def mirrored_cmap( cmap, name=None, rev=False) :
""" A mirrored colormap.
cmap : str or Colormap, optional
A Colormap instance or registered colormap name.
name : str, optional
The registered name to identify the colormap.
If None, '_m' will be appended to the colormap name.
rev : boolean {True, False}, default: False
If True, the reversed colormap will be used.
if isinstance(cmap,str) :
cmap = mpl.colormaps[cmap] # update for v_1.2.0
if name is None :
name = cmap.name + '_m'
if rev : name += 'r'
numbSegs = 256
x = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,num=numbSegs)
n = 1-abs( 2.0*x - 1.0 )
if rev : n = 1-n
clist =cmap(n)
cmap = ListedColormap(clist)
mpl.colormaps.register(cmap,name=name) # update for v_1.2.0
cmap.name = name
return cmap
[docs]def reversed_cmap( cmap, name=None ) :
A reversed colormap.
cmap : str or Colormap, optional
A Colormap instance or registered colormap name
name : str, optional
The registered name to identify the colormap.
If None, '_r' will be appended to the colormap name.
# for convenience to eliminate need for extra import.
# Basically, same as Matplot colors.Colormap .reversed() method
current_name = None
if isinstance(cmap,str) :
current_name = cmap
cmap = mpl.colormaps[cmap] # update for v_1.2.0
current_name = cmap.name
# determine if revered cmap already exists.
new_name = current_name + '_r'
if name is not None : new_name = name
cmap = mpl.colormaps[new_name]
return cmap
except : pass
cmap = cmap.reversed()
mpl.colormaps.register(cmap,name=new_name) # update for v_1.2.0
cmap.name = new_name
return cmap
[docs]def op_cmap(operation,rgb=True,name=None):
A Colormap defined by a function argument.
operation : function object
Function that takes one argument,
a Numpy array of float values in the
range from 0 to 1.
The function returns a 3xN color value.
rgb : bool {True, False}, optional, default: True
By default, RGB color values are returned by the
operation function. If set False, the operation
returns HSV color values.
name : str, optional, default: None
The registered name to identify the colormap.
If it's None, the operatonal function name is
assigned to the cmap name if not a lambda
function. If a lamddda function, the name is
assigned a string of 8 random characters.
An instance of a colormap.
# ----------------------------------------
def getFunctionName(op,xName=None) :
# following is a copy from surface.py
if xName is not None : return xName
fobar = lambda x : x
if op.__name__ != fobar.__name__ :
name = op.__name__
else :
name = None
return name
# ----------------------------------------
name = getFunctionName(operation,name)
numbSegs = 256
x = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,num=numbSegs)
clist = operation(x)
clist = np.array(clist).T
hasAlpha = clist.shape[1] == 4
if not rgb :
if hasAlpha :
alp = clist[:,[3]]
clist = clist[:,[0,1,2]]
#clist = cm.colors.hsv_to_rgb(clist)
clist = colors.hsv_to_rgb(clist) # update for v_1.2.0
clist = np.append(clist,alp,1)
else :
#clist = cm.colors.hsv_to_rgb(clist)
clist = colors.hsv_to_rgb(clist) # update for v_1.2.0
cmap = ListedColormap(clist)
if name is None :
name = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase , k = 8))
mpl.colormaps.register(cmap,name=name) # update for v_1.2.0
cmap.name = name
return cmap
[docs]def op_alpha_cmap(cmap,operation,fit=True,name=None):
A Colormap modified by functional values of alpha.
cmap : str or Colormap, optional
A Colormap instance or registered colormap name
operation : function object
Function that takes one argument,
a Numpy array of float values in the
range from 0 to 1.
The function returns a Numpy array
of float values in the
range from 0 to 1.
name : str, optional, default: None
The registered name to identify the colormap.
If it's None, the map is not registered if
a lambda function is the operation argument,
otherwise, the operatonal function name is
assigned to the cmap name.
fit : bool, optional, default: True
If True, the values return by the operation
function will be fit to the range 0 to 1.
An instance of a colormap.
# ----------------------------------------
def getFunctionName(op,xName=None) :
# following is a copy from surface.py
if xName is not None : return xName
fobar = lambda x : x
if op.__name__ != fobar.__name__ :
name = op.__name__
else :
name = None
return name
# ----------------------------------------
def fitBounds(x) :
mV,xV = np.amin(x),np.amax(x)
return (x - mV)/(xV - mV)
# ----------------------------------------
name = getFunctionName(operation,name)
if isinstance(cmap,str) :
cmap = mpl.colormaps[cmap] # update for v_1.2.0
if name is None :
name = cmap.name + '_a'
numbSegs = 256
x = np.linspace(0.0,1.0,num=numbSegs)
alphalist = operation(x)
if fit : alphalist = fitBounds(alphalist)
colorList = cmap(x).T
colorList[3:] = alphalist
newCmap = ListedColormap(colorList.T, name=name)
mpl.colormaps.register(newCmap,name=name) # update for v_1.2.0
return newCmap
[docs]def section_cmap(cmap,lowIndx,hiIndx,name=None) :
A Colormap from a section of a colormap.
cmap : str or Colormap, optional
A Colormap instance or registered colormap name
lowIndx : float
Value of the start of the input colormap.
Range is 0 to 0.97.
hiIndx : float
Value of the end of the input colormap.
Range is 0.03 to 1.0.
name : str, optional
The registered name to identify the colormap.
If None, the name will be a string of random
characters and the map is not registered.
An instance of a colormap.
# ------------------------------------------------
def opFunc(t,cmap) : # update for v_1.2.0
return mpl.colormaps.get_cmap(cmap)(lowIndx + (hiIndx-lowIndx)*t).T # update for v_1.2.0
# ------------------------------------------------
if ( lowIndx <0.0 or lowIndx >0.97) :
raise ValueError('Error: required that 0.0 <= lowIndx <= 0.97. , found {}'.format(lowIndx))
if ( hiIndx <0.03 or hiIndx >1.0) :
raise ValueError('Error: required that 0.03 <= hiIndx <= 1.0. , found {}'.format(hiIndx))
indxRng = hiIndx-lowIndx
if indxRng < 0.05 :
raise ValueError('Error: range of lowIndx to hiIndex is > 0.1 , found {}'.format(indxRng))
if name is None :
name = ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase , k = 8))
if isinstance(cmap,str) :
cmap = mpl.colormaps[cmap] # update for v_1.2.0
op_lFunc = lambda t : opFunc(t,cmap) # update for v_1.2.0
return op_cmap(op_lFunc,name=name) # update for v_1.2.0
[docs]class DualCmap() :
def __init__(self,xcmap,ycmap,kind='sum',norm=True,name=None) :
A 2D colormap.
xcmap : colormap or string of a colormap name.
ycmap : colormap or string of a colormap name.
kind : string {'sum','ave','ave2','srt'} or number, default: 'sum'
Method of combining colormaps.
norm : bool, optional, default True
Normalize array values in __call__
name : string,optional.
name to identify the dual colormap.
# FutDev: possible blend color modes?
# Need documentation explaination for 'kind'.
self._name = name if name is not None else ''
if isinstance(xcmap,str) : xcmap = mpl.colormaps[xcmap] # update for v_1.2.0
if isinstance(ycmap,str) : ycmap = mpl.colormaps[ycmap] # update for v_1.2.0
self.xmap = xcmap
self.ymap = ycmap
self._kind = kind
self._norm = norm
self.pow = 0.5
if isinstance(kind,(int,float)): self.distfact(kind)
[docs] def __call__(self,x,y):
RGBA color values from x,y positions.
x,y : arrays of N floats with values in the
interval [0,1]. Normalization will occur
if 'norm' is set to True in the constructor.
Both arrays must be of the same length, N.
RGBA values with N shape (4,N)
if self._norm :
x = (x-np.min(x))/(np.max(x)-np.min(x))
y = (y-np.min(y))/(np.max(y)-np.min(y))
color = np.add(self.xmap(x),self.ymap(y))
if self._kind == 'ave' : color /= 2.0
color = np.clip(color,0.0,1.0)
if self._kind == 'ave2' : color /= 2.0
if self._kind == 'srt' : color = np.sqrt(color)
if self._kind == 'pwr' : color = np.power(color,self.pow)
return color.T
def __str__(self) :
"""DualCmap object string representation."""
name = self.__class__.__name__
kind = self._kind
if kind == 'pwr' :
kind = '{}, {:.1f}'.format(kind,self.pow)
bs = ' ( {} )'.format(kind)
sz = ': {}, {}'.format(self.xmap.name,self.ymap.name)
val = name+bs+sz
return val
def name(self) :
"""Descriptive identifier for the DualCmap object."""
return self._name
def name(self,val) :
self._name = str(val)
def norm(self) :
"""Boolean indicator for value normalization"""
return self._norm
def norm(self,val) :
self._norm = val
[docs] def distfact( self, p ) :
Set distribution factor of resulting color values.
p : float in the range [0.2, 4]
For a value of 1, there is no redistribution.
A value of 0.5 is equivalent to using the
constructor argument of kind='srt'.
self : DualCmap object
if (p<0.2) or (p>4.0) :
raise ValueError('distfact {} must be between 0.2 and 4.0'.format(str(p)))
self.pow = p
self._kind = 'pwr'
return self
# =================================================================================+
[docs]def linsegfunc(v, arr) :
Linear segment function, y = f(x) with domain/range [0,1]
v : float or array
Independent variable in the range 0 to 1.
arr : N X 2 array
An array of N values (x,y), with increasing values of x and,
y in the range 0 to 1.
Dependent values or array of values
def recurs(L,R,x,V) : # efficient enough for intended scope
T = (L+R)//2
if L==(R-1) : return L
if x[T] < V : return recurs(T,R,x,V)
else : return recurs(L,T,x,V)
x,y = np.array(arr).T
m = np.min(x)
d = np.max(x)-np.min(x)
x,y = (x-m)/d , np.clip(y,0.0,1.0)
R = len(x) - 1
slp, b = [None]*R , [None]*R
for i in range(R) :
j = i+1
slp[i] = ( y[j]-y[i] ) / ( x[j]-x[i] )
b[i] = y[i]-slp[i]*x[i]
if isinstance(v,(int,float)) : v=[v]
vals = [None]*len(v)
for i,V in enumerate(v) :
m = recurs(0,R,x,V)
vals[i] = slp[m]*V+ b[m]
return vals
# =================================================================================+
# FutDev : would be nice to have a function to create a 2D colorbar which could |
# be added to the Matplotlib 3D Axes. |
# =================================================================================+