

Static Methods

meshgrid(X, Y, Z[, name])

ColorLine3DCollection, a set of xy slice lines based on a meshgrid.

Geometry Properties/Methods


Descriptive identifier for the line geometry.


Dictionary of line geometric and value ranges.


A 3 x N array of line vertices.


A 3 x N array of line segment centers.


A N x 3 array of line segment direction vectors.


Line3DCollection of the 'last' transformed line coordinate axis.

The following methods will return the calling object (self).


Recursively halve each line segment into separate lines.

transform([rotate, scale, translate])

Linear transformation of the line object.


Remove segments from the line.

clip_plane(dist, **kargs)

Remove segments from the line based on a clip surface.

map_geom_from_op(operation[, name])

Functional transformation of line vertex coordinates.

map_to_plane(dist, **kargs)

Project line onto a mapping surface.

Color Properties/Methods


Descriptive identifier for values indicated by color.


A N x 4 array of segment colors.


Range of scalar values which may be associated with color

The following methods will return the calling object (self).

map_color_from_op(operation[, rgb, cname])

Assignment of line color from a function.

map_cmap_from_op(operation[, cmap, cname])

Functional assignment of a color from a color map.

map_cmap_from_sequence([cmap, sop, cname])

Sequential color assignment of each line segment.

map_cmap_from_direction([direction, cmap, ...])

Assignment of line color based on line segment direction.

map_cmap_from_datagrid(datagrid[, cmap, cname])

Line color assignment using a 2D datagrid.

set_line_alpha(alpha[, constant])

Adjust the alpha value of the line segment colors.

Object Creation Methods


Combine two line objects into a single line object.


Surface3DCollection from a line projected to a surface.

get_surface_to_line(line, **kargs)

Surface3DCollection from a line projected to another line.

Matplotlib 3D Visualization Properties/Methods

The following are used prior to adding the object to the Matplotlib 3D axis.


matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable object for line values.

stcBar_ScalarMappable([stripe, bgcolor])

ScalarMappable object with striped color values.

shade([depth, direction, contrast])

Reduce line HSV color Value based on line segment direction.

fade([depth, elev, azim, ax])

Reduce line opacity based on line segment position relative to the view orientation.

Code Documentation

class s3dlib.surface.ColorLine3DCollection(vertexCoor, segmIndices, name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Line3DCollection

Base class for non-uniformly colored 3D lines.

A set 3D lines, each line with a varying number of sequential vertices.

  • vertexCoor (V x 3 float array-like) – An array of V number of xyz vertex coordinates.

  • segmIndices (L x Nl int list) – An list of L number of Nl line vertex indices, where Nl is the number of vertices for the Lth line.

  • name (string, optional, default: None.) – Descriptive identifier.

  • **kwargs – All other parameters are passed on to mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Line3DCollection. Valid keywords include: colors, linewidths.


Combine two line objects into a single line object.


othr (ColorLine3DCollection object) –


ColorLine3DCollection object

property bounds

Dictionary of line geometric and value ranges.

Each dictionary value is a 2 float array of minimum and maximum values of the line. Keys are:

‘xlim’ : x-coordinate

‘ylim’ : y-coordinate

‘zlim’ : z-coordinate

‘r_xy’ : radial distance from the z axis

‘rorg’ : radial distance from the origin

‘vlim’ : value functional assignments.

Values are assigned from the geometry and color mapping methods, including cllipping.

property cBar_ScalarMappable

matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable object for line values.


Remove segments from the line. NOTE: all operations are in xyz coordinates.


operation (function object) – Function that takes one argument, a 3xN Numpy array of coordinates. The function returns N array of bool { True, False } indicating if the segment, at the segment center coordinate, is to be retained (True). Otherwise, the segment is removed from the line (False).


self (line object)

clip_plane(dist, **kargs)[source]

Remove segments from the line based on a clip surface.

  • dist (number, optional, default : 0.0) – Distance from the origin to the clip surface, along the direction vector.

  • direction (array-like, optional, default: [0,0,1]) – A xyz vector normal to the intersection plane for a planar clip surface or axial direction of a cylinder for a cylindrical clip surface.

  • coor (integer or string indicating the type of clip surface:) – 0, p, P, xyz,planar - planar (default) 1, c, C, cylinder,pplar,cylindrical - cylinder 2, s, S, sphere,spherical - sphere 3, x, X - y-z plane 4, y, Y - x-z plane 5, z, Z - x-y plane


self (line object)

property cname

Descriptive identifier for values indicated by color.

fade(depth=0, elev=None, azim=None, ax=None)[source]

Reduce line opacity based on line segment position relative to the view orientation.

  • depth (scalar, optional, default: 0) – Minimum opacity to 1 for linear line opacity from back to front line segment position. Depth value ranges from 0 to 1.

  • elev (scalar, optional, default: 30) – Elevation of the axes view.

  • azim (scalar, optional, default: -60) – Azimuth of the axes view.

  • ax (Matplotlib 3D axes.) – If not None, elev and azim are taken from the ax.


self (line object)


Surface3DCollection from a line projected to a surface.

  • dist (number, optional, default : 0.0) – distance from the origin to the projected surface, along the direction vector.

  • direction (array-like, optional, default: [0,0,1]) – A xyz vector normal to the intersection plane for planar projections or axial direction of a cylinder for cylindrical projections.

  • coor (integer or string indicating the type of projection surface:) – 0, p, P, xyz,planar - planar (default) 1, c, C, cylinder,pplar,cylindrical - cylinder 2, s, S, sphere,spherical - sphere 3, x, X - y-z plane 4, y, Y - x-z plane 5, z, Z - x-y plane

  • lrez (positive integer, optional, default : 0) – projection recursive subdivisions.

  • color (Color, optional, default : line color) –

  • alpha (scalar, optional, default : 1) – Face color alpha value, in the range 0 to 1.

  • name (string, optional, default: None.) – Descriptive identifier for the geometry.


Surface3DCollection object

get_surface_to_line(line, **kargs)[source]

Surface3DCollection from a line projected to another line.

  • line (line object with the same number of vertices) – as the calling object.

  • lrez (positive integer, optional, default : 0) – projection recursive subdivisions.

  • color (Color, optional, optional, default : line color) –

  • alpha (scalar, optional, default : None (1)) – Face color alpha value, in the range 0 to 1.

  • name (string, optional, default: None.) – Descriptive identifier for the geometry.


Surface3DCollection object


Line3DCollection of the ‘last’ transformed line coordinate axis.

  • lenmult (scalar or 3D array, optional, default: 1) – Scalar multiplier of the three coordinate axis.

  • width (scalar, optional, default: 1.5) – Line width of the coordinate axis.

  • color (a Color or 3D array of Colors, optional, default: ['r','g','b']) –

  • negaxis (boolean, optional, default: False) – If True, include the negative axis, otherwise axes start at origin.


Line3DCollection object

map_cmap_from_datagrid(datagrid, cmap=None, cname=None)[source]

Line color assignment using a 2D datagrid.

Datagrid values are normalized in the range 0 to 1.

  • datagrid (2D float array) –

  • cmap (str or Colormap, optional) – A Colormap instance or registered colormap name. If not assigned, the surface Colormap is used. The colormap maps the datagrid values to colors.

  • cname (string, optional, default: None.) – Descriptive identifier for values indicated by color.


self (line object)

map_cmap_from_direction(direction=None, cmap=None, isAbs=False, cname=None)[source]

Assignment of line color based on line segment direction.

The dot product of line segment directions with the direction paramenter is used to assign line segment colors from a colormap.

  • direction (array-like, optional, default: (1,0,1)) – A xyz vector.

  • cmap (str or Colormap, optional, default: 'viridis') – A Colormap instance or registered colormap name.

  • isAbs (boolean, optional, default: False) – If True, the absolute value of the dot product will control the color.

  • cname (str, optional, default is None) – Identifier for the color values.


self (line object)

map_cmap_from_op(operation, cmap=None, cname=None)[source]

Functional assignment of a color from a color map.

Line segment center coordinates are used to calculate a scalar which is then used to assign segment colors from a colormap.

  • operation (function object) – Function that takes one argument, a 3xN Numpy array of native coordinates. The function returns a Numpy array of scalar values.

  • cmap (str or Colormap, optional, default: 'viridis') – A Colormap instance or registered colormap name.

  • cname (str, optional, default: function object name) – if not a lambda function, otherwise ‘’. Identifier for the color values.


self (line object)

map_cmap_from_sequence(cmap=None, sop=None, cname=None)[source]

Sequential color assignment of each line segment.

  • cmap (str or Colormap, optional, default: 'viridis') – A Colormap instance or registered colormap name.

  • sop (function object, optional, default: None) – Function that takes one argument, a N Numpy array of scalar values ranging 0 to 1. The function returns a Numpy array of scalar values.

  • cname (str, optional, default: function object name) – if not a lambda function, otherwise ‘’. Identifier for the color values.


self (line object)

map_color_from_op(operation, rgb=True, cname=None)[source]

Assignment of line color from a function.

Line segment colors are assigned from a function of line segment center coordinates.

  • operation (function object) – Function that takes one argument, a 3xN Numpy array of native coordinates. The function returns a 3xN color value.

  • rgb (bool {True, False}, optional, default: True) – By default, RGB color values are returned by the operation function. If set False, the operation returns HSV color values.

  • cname (str, optional, default: function object name) – if not a lambda function, otherwise ‘’. Identifier for the color values.


self (line object)

map_geom_from_op(operation, name=None)[source]

Functional transformation of line vertex coordinates.

  • operation (function object) – Coordinate mapping function that takes one argument, a 3xN Numpy array of native coordinates. The function returns a 3xN array of coordinates.

  • name (string, optional, default: None or op function name.) – Descriptive identifier for the geometry.


self (line object)

map_to_plane(dist, **kargs)[source]

Project line onto a mapping surface.

  • dist (number, optional, default : 0.0) – distance from the origin to the surface, along the direction vector.

  • direction (array-like, optional, default: [0,0,1]) – A xyz vector normal to the intersection planes for planar mapping or axial direction of a cylinder for cylindrical mapping.

  • coor (integer or string indicating the type of mapping surface:) – 0, p, P, xyz,planar - planar (default) 1, c, C, cylinder,pplar,cylindrical - cylinder 2, s, S, sphere,spherical - sphere 3, x, X - y-z plane 4, y, Y - x-z plane 5, z, Z - x-y plane


self (line object)

static meshgrid(X, Y, Z, name=None)[source]

ColorLine3DCollection, a set of xy slice lines based on a meshgrid.

  • X (N x M arrays) – Cartesian x,y,z coordinate values.

  • Y (N x M arrays) – Cartesian x,y,z coordinate values.

  • Z (N x M arrays) – Cartesian x,y,z coordinate values.

  • name (string, optional, default: None.) – Descriptive identifier for the mesh surface.


surface (ColorLine3DCollection object)

property name

Descriptive identifier for the line geometry.

property segmentcenters

A 3 x N array of line segment centers.

property segmentcolors

A N x 4 array of segment colors.

property segmentdirections

A N x 3 array of line segment direction vectors.

set(*, agg_filter=<UNSET>, alpha=<UNSET>, animated=<UNSET>, antialiased=<UNSET>, array=<UNSET>, capstyle=<UNSET>, clim=<UNSET>, clip_box=<UNSET>, clip_on=<UNSET>, clip_path=<UNSET>, cmap=<UNSET>, color=<UNSET>, colors=<UNSET>, edgecolor=<UNSET>, facecolor=<UNSET>, gid=<UNSET>, hatch=<UNSET>, in_layout=<UNSET>, joinstyle=<UNSET>, label=<UNSET>, line_alpha=<UNSET>, linestyle=<UNSET>, linewidth=<UNSET>, norm=<UNSET>, offset_transform=<UNSET>, offsets=<UNSET>, path_effects=<UNSET>, paths=<UNSET>, picker=<UNSET>, pickradius=<UNSET>, rasterized=<UNSET>, segments=<UNSET>, sketch_params=<UNSET>, snap=<UNSET>, sort_zpos=<UNSET>, transform=<UNSET>, url=<UNSET>, urls=<UNSET>, verts=<UNSET>, visible=<UNSET>, zorder=<UNSET>)

Set multiple properties at once.

Supported properties are


agg_filter: a filter function, which takes a (m, n, 3) float array and a dpi value, and returns a (m, n, 3) array alpha: array-like or scalar or None animated: bool antialiased or aa or antialiaseds: bool or list of bools array: array-like or None capstyle: .CapStyle or {‘butt’, ‘projecting’, ‘round’} clim: (vmin: float, vmax: float) clip_box: .Bbox clip_on: bool clip_path: Patch or (Path, Transform) or None cmap: .Colormap or str or None color: color or list of colors colors: color or list of colors edgecolor or ec or edgecolors: color or list of colors or ‘face’ facecolor or facecolors or fc: color or list of colors figure: .Figure gid: str hatch: {‘/’, ‘\’, ‘|’, ‘-’, ‘+’, ‘x’, ‘o’, ‘O’, ‘.’, ‘*’} in_layout: bool joinstyle: .JoinStyle or {‘miter’, ‘round’, ‘bevel’} label: object line_alpha: scalar linestyle or dashes or linestyles or ls: str or tuple or list thereof linewidth or linewidths or lw: float or list of floats norm: .Normalize or None offset_transform: .Transform offsets: (N, 2) or (2,) array-like path_effects: .AbstractPathEffect paths: unknown picker: None or bool or float or callable pickradius: float rasterized: bool segments: unknown sketch_params: (scale: float, length: float, randomness: float) snap: bool or None sort_zpos: unknown transform: .Transform url: str urls: list of str or None verts: unknown visible: bool zorder: float

set_line_alpha(alpha, constant=False)[source]

Adjust the alpha value of the line segment colors.

  • alpha (scalar) – Alpha is in the domain 0 to 1.

  • constant (bool { True, False }, optional, False) – If False, segment color values are multiplied by alpha. If True, all segment colors alpha channels are assigned to alpha.


self (line object)

shade(depth=0, direction=None, contrast=None)[source]

Reduce line HSV color Value based on line segment direction.

The dot product of line segment with the illumination direction is used to adjust face HSV color value.

  • depth (scalar, optional, default: 0) – Minimum color value of shaded line segments. Depth value ranges from 0 to 1.

  • direction (array-like, optional, default: (1,0,1)) – A xyz vector pointing to the illumination source.

  • contrast (scalar, optional, default: 1) – Shading contrast adjustment from low to high with a value of 1 for linear variations with the line segment direction. Contrast value ranges from 0.1 to 3.


self (line object)


Recursively halve each line segment into separate lines.


rez (integer, optional, default: 0) – Number of recursive subdivisions of a line segment. Values range from 0 to 7.


self (line object)

stcBar_ScalarMappable(stripe=None, bgcolor='k')[source]

ScalarMappable object with striped color values. Primarily useful for display of contour colorbars.

  • stripe (integer, optional, default: None) – Number of color stripes. If None, no stripes are formed.

  • bgcolor (color, optional, default: 'black') – Color between the stripes.


self (Matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable object)

transform(rotate=None, scale=1.0, translate=[0, 0, 0])[source]

Linear transformation of the line object.

  • rotate (array-like, optional, default: None) – A 3 by 3 rotation matrix.

  • scale (3D array or scalar, optional, default: 1.0) – Multipliers of the object coordinates, in xyz coordinates. If a single scalar, three multipliers are the same value.

  • translate (array-like, optional, default: [0,0,0]) – A xyz translation vector of object origin.


self (line object)

property vertices

A 3 x N array of line vertices.

property vlim

Range of scalar values which may be associated with color