

Geometry Properties

name Descriptive identifier for the vector geometry.
bounds Dictionary of vector geometric and value ranges.
alr Arrow head to length ratio.

Color Properties/Methods

cname Descriptive identifier for values indicated by color.
vlim Range of values associated with color

The following methods will return the calling object (self).
map_color_from_op(operation[, rgb, cname]) Assignment of vector color from a function.
map_cmap_from_op(operation[, cmap, cname]) Functional assignment of a vector color from a color map.
map_cmap_from_direction([cmap, direction, cname]) Vector color assignment using vector direction relative to direction argument.
map_cmap_from_magnitude([cmap, cname]) Vector color assignment using vector magnitude.

Code Documentation

class s3dlib.surface.Vector3DCollection(location, vect, alr=None, name=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Line3DCollection

Collection of 3D vectors represented as arrows.

Create a collection of 3D vectors.

  • location (N x 3 float array) – Cartesian coordinate location (tails) for N number of vectors.
  • vect (N x 3 float array) – N number of vectors in Cartesian coordinates.
  • alr (scalar, optional, default: 0.25) – Axis length ratio, head size to vector magnitude.
  • name (string identifier) –
Other Parameters:

**kwargs – All other parameters are passed on to mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Line3DCollection. Valid keywords include: colors, linewidths.


Arrow head to length ratio.


Dictionary of vector geometric and value ranges.

Each dictionary value is a 2 float array of minimum and maximum values of the vector location. Keys are:

‘xlim’ : x-coordinate

‘ylim’ : y-coordinate

‘zlim’ : z-coordinate

‘r_xy’ : radial distance from the z axis

‘rorg’ : radial distance from the origin

‘vlim’ : value functional assignments.

‘vertvlim: magnitude

Values are assigned from the geometry and color mapping methods.


Descriptive identifier for values indicated by color.

map_cmap_from_direction(cmap=None, direction=[1, 1, 1], cname=None)[source]

Vector color assignment using vector direction relative to direction argument.

The dot product of vector direction with the argument direction is used to assign vector colors from a colormap.

  • cmap (str or Colormap, optional, default: 'viridis') – A Colormap instance or registered colormap name. If not assigned, the surface Colormap is used. The colormap maps the dot product values to colors.
  • direction (list of size 3, optional, default: [1,1,1]) – A 3D vector in xyz Cartesian coordinates designating the reference direction.
  • refCoor (string, optional, default: "XYZ") – Direction coordinate system for the evaluation. (Not implimented)

self (Vector3DCollection object)

map_cmap_from_magnitude(cmap=None, cname=None)[source]

Vector color assignment using vector magnitude.

Parameters:cmap (str or Colormap, optional, default: 'viridis') – A Colormap instance or registered colormap name. If not assigned, the surface Colormap is used. The colormap maps the dot product values to colors.
Returns:self (Vector3DCollection object)
map_cmap_from_op(operation, cmap=None, cname=None)[source]

Functional assignment of a vector color from a color map.

Location and direction coordinates are used to calculate a scalar which is then used to assign face colors from a colormap.

  • operation (function object) – Function that takes two arguments, both a 3xN Numpy array of xyz coordinates. The first and second arguments are the location and direction, respectively. The function returns a Numpy array of scalar values.
  • cmap (str or Colormap, optional) – A Colormap instance or registered colormap name. If not assigned, the surface Colormap is used. The colormap maps the function return values to colors.

self (Vector3DCollection object)

map_color_from_op(operation, rgb=True, cname=None)[source]

Assignment of vector color from a function.

Vector colors are assigned from a function of direction and location coordinates.

  • operation (function object) – Function that takes two arguments, both a 3xN Numpy array of xyz coordinates. The first and second arguments are the location and direction, respectively. The function returns a 3xN color value.
  • rgb (bool {True, False}, optional, default: True) – By default, RGB color values are returned by the operation function. If set False, the operation returns HSV color values.

self (Vector3DCollection object)


Descriptive identifier for the vector geometry.


Range of values associated with color