Time Sequence AnimationΒΆ
Animation control:
Visualization |
Frame Value |
Surface geometry |
displacement parameter per frame |
Surface position |
fixed to the coordinate axis |
Surface color |
constant |
Shading and highlighting |
fixed to the coordinate axis |
Axis coordinate |
constant |
Based on the static plot from the Surface Displacements in Cylindrical Coordinates example.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
import s3dlib.surface as s3d
import s3dlib.cmap_utilities as cmu
#.. Cylindrical Vibration Animation
# 0. Define animation control parameters ............................
totalTime, f_domain, numFrames = 2, (0.0,1.0), 40 # time in seconds
frames=np.linspace(*f_domain, numFrames, endpoint=False)
interval = int(1000.0*totalTime/numFrames) # milliseconds
# 1. Define functions to examine ....................................
n,m = 3,3
Um, Vm, Wm = 0.2, 0.1, 0.1
cyLen = 2.5
def displacements(rtz,time) :
r,t,z = rtz
eit = np.cos(2*np.pi*time)
Z = np.pi*z/2
u = Um*np.cos(n*t)*np.cos(m*Z)*eit
v = Vm*np.sin(n*t)*np.sin(m*Z)*eit
w = Wm*np.cos(n*t)*np.sin(m*Z)*eit
return [u, v, w]
def newCoor(rtz,time) :
r,t,z = rtz
u, v, w = displacements(rtz,time)
R = r + u
T = t + v/r # small angle displacements: v ~ r*dt
Z = z + w
return R,T,Z
# 2. Setup and map surfaces .........................................
rez, start_time = 5, 0
cboard = cmu.rgb_cmap_gradient([0.25,0.15,0], [1,.9,.75], 'cardboard' )
cylinder = s3d.CylindricalSurface(rez,basetype='tri')
cylinder.map_geom_from_op(lambda rtz : newCoor(rtz, start_time ) )
cylinder.transform(s3d.eulerRot(0,40), scale=[1,1,cyLen])
cylinder.map_cmap_from_normals( 'cardboard' ).shade(0.8)
# 3. Construct figure, add surfaces, and plot .....................
fig = plt.figure(figsize=plt.figaspect(1))
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d', aspect='equal')
mnmx = [-1.8,1.8]
ax.set(xlim=mnmx, ylim=mnmx, zlim=mnmx )
# 4. Animation ======================================================
def update_fig(frame):
global cylinder
cylinder = s3d.CylindricalSurface(rez,basetype='tri')
cylinder.map_geom_from_op(lambda rtz : newCoor(rtz,frame ) )
cylinder.transform(s3d.eulerRot(0,40), scale=[1,1,cyLen])
cylinder.map_cmap_from_normals( 'cardboard' ).shade(0.8)
anim = FuncAnimation(fig, update_fig, frames, interval=interval, repeat=True)
msg = "saved {} frames, values: [{:.3f} to {:.3f}] @ {} milliseconds/frane"